Phase 1: Concrete and Steel
Build as many iMadiba “conversation station” sites
as possible around the world, with the support of
sponsors and the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

Phase 2: Take it digital
Develop a geographically specific interactive
app linking all the iMadiba micro museums
to facilitate global conversations.

Phase 3: In the image of Mandela
Create an ever-growing web-based collage of
Madiba with selfies photographed at the iMadiba
micro museums around the world.

Phase 1: Concrete and Steel
Build as many iMadiba “conversation station” sites as possible around the world, with the support of sponsors and the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

Phase 2: Take it digital
Develop a geographically specific interactive app linking all the iMadiba micro museums to facilitate global conversations.

Phase 3: In the image of Mandela
Create an ever-growing web-based collage of Madiba with selfies photographed at the iMadiba micro museums around the world.